5th ECCAR General Conference 2011 " Cities Promoting"

Gent – Belgium

Voldersstraat 9
9000 Ghent


In recent years, we have had to observe a worrying development in Europe: right-wing populist parties with their racist and xenophobic agitation are getting stronger and are increasingly successful in elections. Meanwhile, they have found their way into the parliament and government of many European countries. Right-wing populism thrives on the stereotype of the enemy. Its protagonists skilfully use social problems and conflict in our societies which have significantly increased, cashing in on this for their political benefit. They fan people’s fears: fears such as losing their jobs, losing their identity and alleged foreign domination; and so they increase anxieties. They oversimplify complex problems; they promote supposed solutions and offer scapegoats: the usual targets are immigrants, religious and ethnic minorities. Muslims and Roma are just two examples. The stigmatisation, the discrimination and the racist violence which particularly members of Roma communities have experienced in several European countries in recent times is appalling and conjures up memories of the worst periods of the past century. However, there are many more challenges in the field of racism, discrimination and intolerance in Europe today which need to be addressed. These social ills not only violate the dignity and the rights of the people affected, they are a slow poison, a cancerous growth endangering peace, security and social cohesion in our societies. They constitute an attack on the basic values of our democracy. The struggle against racism and discrimination has, therefore, become one of the main challenges Europe is facing today.
The European Coalition of Cities Against Racism (ECCAR) strives for an urban society where the principles of equality and solidarity are honoured, not merely in words, but in deeds. However, if we want our efforts to be successful, we need cooperation with many other organisations, institutions and people of good will who share our goals and work in the same direction.The 2011 General Conference hosted by the City of Ghent in Belgium is, therefore, entitled ‘Building Partnerships – Making a Difference‘. It is mainly focussed on the question how local authorities can cooperate with discriminated groups on the basis of ECCAR’s ‘Ten-Point-Plan of Action Against Racism‘. The conference programme includes two round tables and five working groups. The round tables provide an opportunity to draw a picture of the current situation of various discriminated groups and to discuss strategies for joint activitiesin the future. Three working groups will deal with main challenges cities are facing today, as for example the question how municipalities can cooperate with the media in counteracting Islamophobia and Romaphobia, how to promote equality and social cohesion through cultural cooperation and education, and how to perform anti-discrimination work in individual cases. Two further working groups are intended to develop strategies how to challenge racism through sports, and to strengthen ECCAR’s cooperation with young people. Last but not least, the evaluation results of member cities‘ reports on their implementation measures for the Ten-Point-Plan of Action as well as a market place of ideas and guided tours to intercultural projects of the City of Ghent will provide participants with further opportunities to share experiences and good practices.The organisers cordially invite European cities, civil society organisations and all interested persons to participate in and contribute to this conference in Ghent.

Dr. Hans Hesselmann President of ECCAR


Throughout history Ghent has earned itself a reputation of being a stubborn and rebellious city. Over time the inhabitants of Ghent, headstrong and wayward, have repeatedly defied the ruling powers and boldly defended what they considered to be righteous. In some cases they paid a high price for sailing against the tide. But even humiliation was turned into an honorary reference. To this day the inhabitants proudly carry the nickname ‘noose-wearers’, referring to the punishment Charles V (although born in Ghent!) laid upon the city’s leading citizens in 1540. Ghent has become the home of proud men and women who tend to be rather suspicious of authority, but are at the same time very open-minded. The citizens have always cherished (their) freedom, refusing to be led by intolerance, hate, contempt or indifference and showing an eagerness to defend their rights. Today, our ambition of being an open, sustainable and solidary city is part of our mission statement. The City of Ghent therefore considers it an honour to host the 2011 General Conference of the European Coalition of Cities Against Racism. The city council and administration are convinced that a fruitful and inspiring exchange of ideas and practices can and will give a boost to the antiracist struggle all member cities are committed to.

Daniël Termont, Mayor of Ghent
Guy Reynebeau Alderman of Social Welfare and Health, Ghent


15:00 – 19:00h

Closed session of member cities includingthe meeting of the Steering Committee

19:30 – 20:15h

Social Cohesion Award presented by the City of Ghent City Hall, Pacificatiezaal, Botermarkt 1, Ghent

20:30 h  

Reception with drinks and snacks

City Hall, Pacificatiezaal, Botermarkt 1, Ghent


09:30 – 12:30 h

Opening Session of the General Conference


Daniël Termont Mayor of Ghent

Dr. Hans Hesselmann President of ECCAR (Nuremberg)

Keynote address

Nils Muiznieks

Chair of the European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance of the Council of Europe (Strasbourg)


Helena Rojas-Lundgren

Vice-President of ECCAR (Botkyrka)

10:30 – 12:30 h

Round Table

Partnerships for empowerment

Panel debate and plenary discussion with:

Louis-George Tin, Chair of the Committee of the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (Paris)

Anne-Sophie Parent, Secretary General of the AGE Platform Europe (Brussels)

Javier Güemes, Acting Director of the European Disability Forum (Brussels)

Brigitte Triems, President of the European Women’s Lobby (Brussels)

Representative of ECCAR


Jozef De Witte Director of the Belgian Centre for Equal Opportunities and Opposition to Racism; Member of the Executive Board of the European Network of Equality Bodies (Brussels)

12:30 – 14:00 h


14:00 – 19:00 h

Parallel working groups

Working Group 1: Building partnerships – cooperating with the media in combating Islamophobia and Romaphobia. Coordination: Botkyrka, Ghent, Malmö

Working Group 2: Building partnerships – promoting equality and social cohesion through cultural cooperation and education. Coordination: Botkyrka, Çair, Karlsruhe

Working Group 3: Building partnerships – anti-discrimination work in individual cases. Coordination: Ghent, UNESCO

Working Group 4: Building partnerships – challenging racism through sports. Coordination: Ghent, Graz, Liège, Malmö

Working Group 5: Building partnerships – young people in cooperation with ECCAR. Coordination: Botkyrka, Çair, Nuremberg


09:00 – 12:30 h

Closing session of the General Conference

09:00 – 11:00 h

Round Table

Recommendations from the working groups – confronting discrimination. Interactive panel debate and plenary discussion with working group rapporteurs and

Naima Charkaoui, Director of the Minorities Forum in Flanders and Brussels (Brussels)

Doudou Diène, President of the European Muslim Initiative for Social Cohesion (EMISCO); former UN Special Rapporteuron Contemporary Forms of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance (Paris)

Ivan Ivanov, Executive Director of the European Roma Information Office (Brussels)

Korrie Louwes, Alderman of Labour, Higher Education, Innovation and Participation (Rotterdam)

Moderator: Jean-Paul Makengo Vice-President of ECCAR (Toulouse)

11:00 – 12:30 h

Implementing the Ten-Point-Plan of Action – presentation of the evaluation results of member cities’ reports


Marcello Scarone Azzi

Programme Specialist, Fight against Discrimination and Racism Section, Division of Human Rights, Human Security and Philosophy, Social and Human Sciences Sector, UNESCO (Paris)

Veronika Fikfak, Assistant Programme Specialist, Fight against Discrimination and Racism Section, Division of Human Rights, Human Security and Philosophy, Social and Human Sciences Sector, UNESCO (Paris)


12:30 – 12:45 h Final words

Daniël Termont Mayor of Ghent

Dr. Hans Hesselmann President of ECCAR (Nuremberg)

13:00 – 14:00 h


13:00 – 14:30 h

Sharing experiences and good practices – market place of ideas

14:30 – 16:30 h

Guided tours to intercultural projects of the City of Ghent

14:30 – 16:30 h

Meeting of the Steering Committee

Conference Venue

University of Ghent, Aula Academica

Voldersstraat 9, 9000 Ghent


Daniël Termont, Mayor of Ghent

Guy Reynebeau, Alderman of Social Welfare and Health, Ghent

Marcello Scarone Azzi, Programme Specialist, Fight against Discrimination and Racism Section, Division of Human Rights, Human Security and Philosophy, Social and Human Sciences Sector, UNESCO (Paris)

Veronika Fikfak, Assistant Programme Specialist, Fight against Discrimination and Racism Section, Division of Human Rights, Human Security and Philosophy, Social and Human Sciences Sector, UNESCO (Paris)

Jean-Paul Makengo, Vice-President of ECCAR (Toulouse),

Korrie Louwes, Alderman of Labour, Higher Education, Innovation and Participation (Rotterdam),

Ivan Ivanov, Executive Director of the European Roma Information Office (Brussels),

Doudou Diène, President of the European Muslim Initiativefor Social Cohesion (EMISCO); former UN Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Racism, Racial
Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance (Paris)

Naima Charkaoui, Director of the Minorities Forum in Flanders and Brussels (Brussels),

Jozef De Witte, Director of the Belgian Centre for Equal Opportunities and Opposition to Racism; Member of the Executive Board of the European Network of Equality Bodies (Brussels)

Brigitte Triems, President of the European Women’s Lobby (Brussels),

Javier Güemes, Acting Director of the European Disability Forum (Brussels),

Anne-Sophie Parent, Secretary General of the AGE Platform Europe (Brussels),

Louis-George Tin, Chair of the Committee of the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (Paris )

Helena Rojas-Lundgren, Vice-President of ECCAR (Botkyrka),

Nils Muiznieks, Chair of the European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance of the Council of Europe (Strasbourg)

Dr. Hans Hesselmann, President of ECCAR (Nuremberg)
