Updated Toolkit for Equality on ECCAR 10 Point Plan of Action published

Graz – Austria

In December 2023 the ECCAR achieved an important milestone and updated its Toolkit for Equality (TKE) chapter on the 10 Point Plan of Action (10-PPA).  This update was done in the framework of the EU-funded project ACTION, which seeks to develop local action plans against racism and to support the implementation of local policies to combat racism successfully. With this new chapter of the TKE the ECCAR supports its members with concrete practical guidance to work on their own 10-PPA.  

About the new verion of the TKE on the implementation of the ECCAR 10-PPA

The new English version of the TKE chapter concerning the ECCAR 10-PPA was launched at the ECCAR General Assembly in Toulouse. This edition was coordinated by ETC Graz, in cooperation with the City of Graz, the City of Heidelberg, the European Coalition of Cities against Racism (ECCAR) and UNESCO as a member of the International Coalition of Inclusive and Sustainable Cities (ICCAR). 

At the heart of this new chapter are the examples from the ground of our ECCAR member cities and their experiences in the implenentation of the 10-PPA. The cities of Barcelona (Spain), Bologna (Italy), Bonn (Germany), Bordeaux (France), Botkyrka (Sweden), Brussels (Belgium), Cologne (Germany), Ghent (Belgium), Graz (Austria), Heidelberg (Germany), Helsingborg (Sweden), Leuven (Belgium), Turin (Italy) and Vienna (Austria) contributed their local experiences to this edition.  Thank you to all the cities and city employees for your willingness to contribute with your experiences, knowledge and time to this TKE. The English version can be downloaded below.  The new chapter will be translated to French, Italian, Spanish and German by February 2024. 

Capacity Building for ECCAR cities based on the TKE chapter on the ECCAR 10-PPA

If you are currently elaborating your 10-PPA in your city or updating your city's previous 10-PPA the ECCAR can provide you with concrete capacity building offers in the framework of the EU project ACTION. In webinars, short online videos or direct consulting you can get support for your local work. For more information visit ACTION or contact office@eccar.info.

About the Toolkit for Equality and its methodology

Why should local governments take action promoting equality? Why is anti-discrimination policy at the local level important? How should inequalities be identified and their relevance assessed from a human rights perspective? What goals should be pursued? What topics can be addressed? How can challenges in planning, implementing and evaluating political measures for equality be overcome? What are the key factors for success? What are the keys to sustainable impact?

The Toolkit for Equality addresses these questions in a very practical way. It gives examples and detailed guidance on implementation. All of the information has been collected and elaborated in cooperation with a wide range of local politicians, civil servants, consultants, civil society organizations, lawyers and the local people concerned. This provides a broad expertise on the what, how and when. The thematic chapters on policy models relevant to local governance show the path to success from conceptualization and planning, to implementation, and to impact assessment and evaluation, all following a human rights based approach to the promotion of greater equality. To assess the different chapters of the TKE click here
