Youth Boot Camp For Inclusive And Sustainable Cities

Bologna – Italy

Youth Boot Camp For Inclusive And Sustainable Cities

3 to 9 September 2023, Pollica, Italy

More and more today we are witnessing a world facing growingsocial crises characterized by a growth of racism and discrimination. Climate crisis, wars, hunger and poverty areforcing more and more millions of people to move from theirplaces of birth to seek dignified living conditions. People moveacross countries and continents creating ever-increasing flows.The final destinations of these displacements have always beencities and local communities, which today are experiencingunprecedented challenges of inclusion. Articles 13 and 14 ofthe universal declaration of human rights establish a right tomobility which can be supported by the ability of cities tonetwork among them and with international institutions,exchanging good practices and creating moments of commonreflection, decisions and actions.

In collaboration with partners, UNESCO’s International Coalition of Inclusive and Sustainable Cities – ICCAR isorganizing the second edition of Youth Boot Camp for Inclusive and Sustainable Cities which aims to empower young people to become antiracism and antidiscrimination champions in their life and communities. During anintensive five-day Boot Camp, youth participants (20-30 y.o.) across the globe will be exchanging with invitedexperts and policy makers, acting as their mentors, in an action-oriented dialogue based on concepts, historyand sociocultural perspectives that will deconstruct racism and help understand discrimination in its variousforms.

Inspired by UNESCO’s Master Class Series against Racism and Discriminations, positively evaluating the firstpilot experience of 2022, ICCAR and its member cities are committed to creating a global network of youngpeople encouraging the participants, with the help of their mentors, to make commitments to undertake theirown local initiatives to combat racism and discriminations relating it to the other initiatives already implementedby the cities and UNESCO.

The Boot Camp will revolve aroundfive main themes:

  1. A geographical approach: the future of livingtogether in diversity
  2. A multistakeholder approach: race as a product ofracism
  3. A societal approach: a robust communityengagement through inclusion
  4. A cultural approach: engaging tools to fightagainst discriminations
  5. A policy making approach: the foundation to buildinclusive societies

The Boot Camp Package: Five Days of In-Depth Exchange

Participating cities will select two youth participants, approximately from 20 to 30 years old,dynamic and committed leaders in their communities, to participate in the Boot Camp. They willdiscuss and reflect on the challenges they face everyday, share impactful experiences and engagein an intercultural and intergenerational exchange. The cities will cover the tuition costs,accommodation, meals and insurance amounting to 600 euros per person. Travel costs are notincluded in this amount. The city provides for the participant’s travel and accommodationexpenses at the Bootcamp. At the same time, an elected administrator (or a city’s focal person onsocial inclusion) is activated to participate in the third day of the bootcamp entirely dedicated tocities and their practices in the fight against racism and discrimination.

Each day will start with thematic lectures from invited experts and policymakers that will befollowed by a series of dialogues with the young participants. Interactive discussions, workshopsand practical exercises will be conducted with the objective of deepening the insights andperspectives gained from the thematic lectures. The day will end with discussions on theoutcomes, including conclusions and recommendations, that will allow the participants to startdeveloping their ideas for commitments. The participants will be guided by their mentors informulating their own commitments and potential projects.

Invitation to partnerships

Cities and partners are invited to join in this meaningful and empowering experience that will inspire youthparticipants to become changemakers and contribute to an antiracist culture that the world currently needs.Sponsorships are welcome, from institutions and individual donors, who are willing to give their share inplanting the seeds to building a future of inclusive and sustainable cities.

For more information see the pdf file below or contact:
