First Working Group Meeting Antisemitism

Dortmund – Germany

City of Dortmund organises first working group Meeting on Antisemitism

As you already know, our member city Dortmund has set up a new ECCAR working group which will have its first meeting on 23rd of September! This is amazing news!

Together with more than 20 other ECCAR-cities the working group addresses the complex demands placed on municipalities in dealing with antisemitism. The dialogue will also focus on the importance of cooperation at the European level. One of the main aims of this working group will be to examine the different local situations from an international perspective and to discuss best practice methods in order to further advance and professionalize the work already carried out to combat antisemitism.

The working group first meets online on 23rd of September 2021 from 10h to 14h. Guests of honour include Katharina von Schnurbein (European Commission Coordinator on combatting Antisemitism), Benedetto Zacchiroli (President of the European Coalition of Cities against Racism) and antisemitism expert Prof. Dr. Samuel Salzborn.

The meeting will be interpreted into the three official ECCAR-languages, English, French and German.

If you have not been in touch with Dortmund yet but wish to join the working group and its first meeting, please feel free to contact the City of Dortmund directly (!

Please find here the programme of the working group meeting in English, French and German.

Through this link, you can access the (German) press release of the city of Dortmund:
