
Friedensplatz 1
44135 Dortmund
When people talk about Dortmund today, many of them still think back of those times when coal, steel and beer shaped the face of city. Dortmund was indeed one of the largest industrial locations in Germany. This era is part of our history now but the new Dortmund is proud of the old Dortmund. Today Dortmund is a modern urban living space within one of the most densely populated regions in the world.
“Amazing Dortmund” is the title of the current image campaign of our city. We want to transform and expand the public’s perception of Dortmund into a more positive image. We want to encourage an exchange on the present, future-oriented Dortmund by enabling people to experience our strengths and breaking down stereotypes and clichés.
One city. Great opportunities. Our city is something special! Dortmund is a city of science with its six universities and 19 renowned non-university research establishments. Dortmund is a strong location of technology, Olympic training center, a sports and cultural hub as well as home to people from 172 nations. Dortmund has successfully tackled structural change with courage and commitment. Our city is on the right track. It is now time to look ahead with confidence. Dortmund is proud of its title “Most Sustainable City in Germany 2014”. No other city in Germany achieves top performances like Dortmund when it comes to mastering the ecological and social challenges of the future. We aim to build on this and invite everyone who shares our passion for this city to rediscover Dortmund and to be positively amazed.