ICCAR Meeting at the UNESCO Headquarters

Paris – France

Last week in Paris, the President of ECCAR, together with Franck Porterat (City of Nancy), attended a meeting at the UNESCO headquarters with Nelson Fernandez, representative of the LAC (Coalition of Latin American and Caribbean cities against racism) and Angela Melo, Director of the Ethics, Youth and Sport Division (sector of the human and social sciences), to discuss the progress and future projects of ICCAR, the international coalition of inclusive and sustainable cities that gathered together all the regional coalitions of cities fighting against racism and discrimination.

The coalition of inclusive and sustainable cities (ICCAR) was launched in Bologna five years ago and since its foundation ECCAR has played a fundamental role following the indications of UNESCO which covers the role of secretariat.

Although we mainly deal with regional european issues, as a city of the European coalition, we strongly feel the need to relate, through UNESCO, also with the other coalitions, aware that the fight against racism and discrimination is global and does not know national or continental borders .

The occasion was also propitious to discuss with UNESCO all the ECCAR projects for the coming years and the ECCAR award 2020.

