Berliner Str. 100
63065 Offenbach
Welcome to Offenbach!
Diversity is lived in Offenbach with people from over 160 countries and cultures and the most diverse groups have their firm place here in urban society: men and women, old and young, families and childless, people with a migration background, with different sexual identities and orientations or people with handicaps.
As a growing city and home to 140.000 residents in the heart of the Rhein-Main metropolitan region also means growing challenges: new apartments, affordable rents, social infrastructure, investments in transport and mobility; responsibility for child- and family-friendly urban development.
Offenbach as a social organism is constantly changing. The buildings to be discovered are storehouses in which remnants of the city's history can be seen.
The city bears wounds and scars from earlier interventions by changing models or modernization spurts. Offenbach isn’t just attractive as a location for international exhibitions and other events, but also as a leisure city with a high recreational value.
Offenbach is even more than weather city, market and exhibition city: It is a young city with a moving history and a wealth of possibilities. Since the German contribution to the 2016 Venice Architecture Biennale we know: „Offenbach is almost alright“.