Şişli Municipality
Şişli Belediyesi Yeni Hizmet Binası Merkez Mah.
34381 Şişli/İstanbul
Sisli Municipality has been established an Equality Unit for monitoring of the human rights infringements and also provide equal services for all inhabitants of Şişli. In this regard, this unit gives lectures for the awareness rising about the disadvantages groups for the municipal staffs so expected result of this lectures being acquaint about human rights of the disadvantages citizens in Şişli. On the other hand, Şişli Municipality gives law literacy for the women of the Şişli to expand awareness for the women rights. Women of Şişli, has got the Basic Civil Law lectures by the lawyers.
The Municipalit's health care services also gives free and anonymous HIV services for all citizens of Şişli. In addtion we work with the LGBTI associations to reach out the LGBTI people who needs psychosocial support. We also give support for the transgender people who lives in transhouse giving hot meal etc.
We are prioritizing the disadvantages people when we hire employee for the municipality and we have disabled placement every year, the citizens who has down syndrome works in here and also minorities such as armenian, roma people and lgbti people are working here.
About the managerial staff; female and male manager numbers almost equal and Mr. Mayor cares about this balance. In the educational issue, there are several high schools which belongs to the miniorities and the municipality gives equal service and try to provide fundemental needs of the schools. The Municipality makes some speacial events for awareness rising about the minorities who lives in Şişli on the occasion of special days of the people. Such as Armenian, Christians, Roma (gipsies) speacial days. The events consisting of some informative panels etc. and also mini concerts special rituals In this regard, we organized a International Human Rights Defenders Conference with the British Embassy in Ankara, Turkey. In the conference, we tried to encourage human rights activist and there were quite important speakers such as İlhan Omar who is the Member of the Minnesota,House of Representatives, Sherin Khankan who is the one the founders of the Woman Mosque movement in Denmark, Nazir Afzal who is the English Crown Prosecution Attorney General, Natasha Walter who is a British feminist activist in the UK.