
Drottninggatan 2
25221 Helsingborg
Helsingborg is a city with around 150 000 inhabitants which makes Helsingborg the 8th largest out of Sweden’s 290 municipalities. The city is situated along the coast in southern part of the country and is Sweden’s closest point to Denmark with the Danish city Helsingor visible on the other side of the sea. The population of Helsingborg is very multicultural, approximately 30 000 people are born outside Sweden and over 160 different nationalities are represented in the city.
Helsingborg is now enhancing the work to become a more open and inclusive city. The city has adopted a Quality of life-program which presents the political will in sustainable development and implementation of the Agenda 2030. The program includes areas such as gender equality, participation, children’s rights and integration.
The city has also adopted an action plan called Equal opportunities plan 2022-2025 that contains measures to prevent discrimination and to promote equal opportunities. It embraces all seven grounds of discrimination in Sweden; sex, age, ethnicity, religion or other belief, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression as well as social economic status. The ambitions of ECCAR’s 10-point plan of action are included in our Equal opportunities plan.