Point 8 - Challenging Racism and Discrimination Through Education
To strengthen measures against discrimination in access to, and enjoyment of, all forms of education; and to promote the provision of education in mutual tolerance and understanding, and intercultural dialogue.
To intervene to ensure equal opportunities, especially in terms of access to education, through affirmative action policies.
To develop teaching material (textbooks, guides, audiovisual or multimedia documentation, kits) on mutual tolerance, respect of human dignity, peaceful coexistence and intercultural dialogue that can contribute to enhancement of the ability of pupils, teachers and trainers to operate in a multiethnic, multicultural and intercultural environment and to deal with the pressures and opportunities of such diversity.
The ECCAR has a strategic partner role in the project CLARINET. The project CLARINET - Communication of Local Authorities for Integration in European Towns, is a EU-funded …
21st March celebrates the international day against racism. To commemorate and highlight that special day the ECCAR encourages you, as a solemn act of engagement and actions, to …
The president of ECCAR also attended last year to the ACT NOW conference and took part, during these days, in a project called MENSCH. After one year the work is done and available …
On the occasion of the World Cities Day, UNESCO welcomed on 31 October at its Headquarters in Paris, the ECCAR president Benedetto Zacchiroli, the ECCAR vice-president & deputy …
Following a common tradition of ECCAR public conferences, general assembly and meetings, the city members exchange and reflect together with guests and partners from European …
On September 29, a big parade of anti-racism and solidarity will take place in Hamburg: demo, train, carnival, theater, music. The goals are: to show stories on the streets, to …
Am 29. September soll in Hamburg eine große Parade des Antirassismus und der Solidarität
stattfinden: Demo, Zug, Karneval, Theater, Musik. Ziele sind: Geschichten auf den Straßen
AMITIE CODE (Capitalizing On Development) is a European Commission funded project that involves Public Authorities and NGOs operating in 6 different European Countries. It's main goal is to raise…
ECCAR and the AMITIE CODE project present the international contest “AMITIE youth teams for human rights of migrants ”. The contest is open to teams of teens (aged 14 to 19) who …